E-Portfolio 4.2
Method of Citation
Citation is needed in research project to prove that you not plagiarism other people’s project.
What we need in citation?
• Author
• Title
• Date
• Additional Information - Publication
Why we need to the citation?
• To prove that you not plagiarism other people’s project.
• To give credit to the author.
• Other people can find the information
Correct of wrong citation method (In-text and Bibliography)
Example of In-text Citation
• The writers of the paper is more than one. ‘et al,’ need to be added
Drying is one of the most popular methods for producing legumes that can be eaten directly or used as ingredients (Giovanelli, 2002).
• No date of publish of the paper
Drying is one of the most popular methods for producing legumes that can be eaten directly or used as ingredients (Giovanelli et al.)
Drying is one of the most popular methods for producing legumes that can be eaten directly or used as ingredients (Giovanelli et al., 2002).
The bibliography can be done by using Mendeley for the right standard to be put in the reference. A basic reference standard for a journal article in APA as format below;
Author’s name. (Year of publication of article). Article title. Journal title. Volume of journal. (Issue no. of journal). Page range of article. DOI.
Example of the right citation of bibliography
Giovanelli, G., Zanoni, B., Lavelli, V., Nanic, R., 2002. Water sorption, drying and antioxidant properties of dried tomato products. J. Food Eng. 52, 135–141.
Example of mistake in citation of bibliography
• Without year or date of publish
Giovanelli, G., Zanoni, B., Lavelli, V., Nanic, R. Water sorption, drying and antioxidant properties of dried tomato products. J. Food Eng. 52, 135–141.
• Do not follow the arrangement of the standard
Giovanelli, G., Zanoni, B., Lavelli, V., Nanic, R. Water sorption, drying and antioxidant properties of dried tomato products. J. Food Eng. 52, 135–141. (2002)
Common mistake in finding resources
• Without author’s name
For example from Wikipedia
Common mistake of paraphrasing and give tips on how to avoid
Make sure to use the right grammar and spelling. Use Grammarly (Easy tips) to avoid the mistake in grammar and spelling check.
Common mistake
• Paraphasing but give different meaning.
• Direct translation. For example change the language entirely .
• Using passive voice. In research, make sure to use active voice.
Advice or tips on how to collect good information
Make sure the information obtained from a journal, article or website that has the author’s name, date, title and publication.
o Science Direct
o Springer
o Etc
• From Google Scholar
• Academia
• Researchgate
Make sure the journal or article must fulfill the citation rule
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